Download the Ultimate Proof of Santa
Santa Spy Cam Android App is BACK!!!
Santa Spy Cam 2022 Android app has been rewritten and now supports Android O/S versions 7 – 13
including Storage Access Framework, Scoped Storage, and new Android privacy requirements.
User Data & Privacy Policy added to Entry Screen and santaspycam.com website.
Several performance improvements are also included in this release.

Reviews from Actual Users
Savvy Granny!!!“I love that I can prove that Santa and his elves will visit, even if the grand kids are at Grandma’s!! Their faces last year – priceless … can’t wait to show them again this year. Love the new upgrades!!!”fivecallmemom
Love love love!!!“I absolutely LOVE this app! I teach first grade and have two small children of my own. I have never seen so many kids get into the Christmas spirit! I downloaded the whole app and it is totally worth the purchase! I have been contacted by many teachers and parents wondering how they can ‘catch’ their own elves! …
Very pleased!”Mother Mary of two
Great App!!!“Perfect app to help keep the myth/legend of Santa and his Elves going. I have three kiddos ages 11-5 and they all love seeing the videos created. Very easy to use.”Happydadyo
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